
Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day. A day for all things love!

I for one absolutely love LOVE! Give me all the Rom Coms, romantic books, basically anything with a relationship in it, and I’m set for life. I have always been that way though. That’s probably why I look forward to Valentine’s Day so much. So of course I had to make a blog post about it.

I can remember back to sitting at my desk in the 4th-grade daydreaming away about who I was going to marry, what my wedding was going to look like, all the fun adventures I was going to have with the love of my life.

Little did I know back then that God was going to give me exactly what my heart desired. He gave me an amazing God-fearing man, that I thank Him for every single day.


This year Tate and I celebrated sort of throughout the weekend. There wasn’t that one thing we did. We just had fun and celebrated all weekend!

This past week for me was pretty crazy at work so Friday was our “chill” night.

I cooked us a nice healthy dinner and watched the next mission impossible movie of our marathon (Idk which one it was because there is like 100 of those movies lol)


For the next day, we started by sleeping in. If you know me you know I LOVE my sleep, and I LOVE sleeping in.

Since we slept in we decided to go get brunch at one of our favorite places. Strawberry Alley. It’s the cutest place here in downtown Clarksville. This is the first time we tried their brunch.

We were not disappointed. $1 mimosas and a free breakfast bar with each entrée! Tate got the breakfast bowl, and I got the breakfast tacos. Highly recommend both!


Actual Valentine’s Day!

I woke up to the sweetest surprise! Roses, chocolates, a silly card, and chocolate donuts! Tate makes sure to get me the same thing every year for Valentines Day. Its turning into our little tradition. I’m definitely okay with it because…well…donuts!

Valentine's Day

So, I made sure to make Tate a yummy breakfast. With all the bacon. Sunday’s are usually very similar for us. We like to watch church while we eat our breakfast, so that’s just what we did.

If you are looking for a good church service to watch online, I would highly recommend checking out Calvary Worship on YouTube.

Later, for dinner we decided to go to the place that we went for valentines day last year. It’s one of our favorite places! Also a place that we have here in downtown Clarksville. It’s called Black Horse.

We of course finished off with a movie.

I hope that you had a fantastic Valentines Day! Let me know in a comment what you did on Valentines Day!

Xoxo, Jess

This post was all about Valentine’s Day!

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