Baby & Mama

We Are Having A Baby!

We are having a baby!

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This post is all about telling you that Tate and I are having a baby!

Tate and I are so thrilled and blessed that the time has finally arrived for us! We’re having a BABY! We have experienced so many emotions over the last year or so, and are just over the moon! I plan to be as open with my pregnancy as I possibly can, to share our journey with you, and to look back one day and remember all of the little things. I know that everyone’s pregnancy experience is unique and special to them. This is my story and I am so thankful to be able to tell it. Thanks for being here and being a part of celebrating baby Leslies’ life with us!


Here’s a little background context for you if you arent already familiar with our pregnancy journey. I’ll try and keep it brief.

During the first I would say three years of our marriage we were never actively trying nor were we preventing. We just knew that if it was God’s will then it would be. It wasn’t until Tate went to ranger school back in the summer of 2020 did we decide to actively start trying when he got back home. Looking back I must admit that it was very naive of me to think that I would get pregnant right off the bat, but that was very much not the case.

After the first month and the test read negative that’s when I decided to look into ovulation testing. My hopes were still very high, I started to realize that in most cases it doesn’t happen the first try. So we kept trying, and testing, trying, and testing. Still no luck. After a year is when I became a little nervous.

At this point, I was very eager and confused as to why it wasn’t happening for us, so I reached out to my Doctor. A lot of blood work and tests later still no answers. She gave me the advice to stop trying and try to not stress about it, but also referred me to a fertility doctor just in case. Honestly, it was really hard for me to grasp and scary to think that it had come to this.

So after a lot of prayers, we decided to try the advice first and stop trying. For me, that was easier said than done but I did my best. I stopped testing for ovulation, deleted all of my period/ pregnancy apps, and stayed off of social media.

Low and behold two months later of “not trying” it finally happened!

October 6th, 2021

Now to semi present time, I know this post is a little late. This was 9 days passed ovulation for me. I woke up early went to the bathroom like normal, pulled out a test only to think “why the heck am I testing, surely it’s going to be like every other month?” Plus it was still a little early to test. But it just so happened that I got a line! Mind you it was the faintest line you ever did see. I tried not to get too excited because I’ve got plenty of false positives before. So as hard as it was, I tried not to get too excited, and the only thing I could do was wait for the next day to come and test again.

October 7th, 2021

I remember waking up this morning from a very vivid dream of me being pregnant! I laid there wide awake for what seemed like an eternity waiting for Tate to go to work so I could go test. Finally, when the time came I ran to the bathroom! Praise God, this time I got my clear positive! I couldn’t believe it so I took two more tests right after, and they were all the same! I was in shock! October was our month!

Pregnancy tests I used

All I wanted was to tell Tate right away. I wanted to do something simple and cute. I remembered I had bought hats that said “mom” and “dad” on them, way back when we first started trying so I made a cute sign, and put that, a test, and the dad hat on the couch so he would see it right when he walked through the door. Here’s the video of him finding out!

Mom & Dad hats

"When the time is right, I, the Lord will make it happen." Isaiah 60:22

Such a little miracle! Praying every single day for our little baby’s health & growth, and hope that you will join us!

The journey is just beginning and I am so excited to take yall along! Thank you for listening to our story. Plenty more updates to come!

Xoxo, Jess

This post was all about tell you that Tate and I are having a baby!

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