baby announcement

12 Cute And Creative Baby Announcement Ideas To Copy

In need of some ideas on how to announce that you’re expecting to your family and friends? This post is all about baby announcement ideas.

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Well for starters congratulations!

Finding out that you’re expecting can be one of the most exciting things! And half the fun is announcing the pregnancy to family and friends!

The second after I told my husband Tate, I remember wanting to tell the whole world. It was excruciating to have to wait the 12 weeks before telling everyone, but at least that gave me a good amount of time to plan out how I wanted to announce it.

So, now that you’ve found out you’re pregnant, you’re probably trying to find ideas on how to announce the good news to everyone you know too, right?

Well look no further, I’ve put together a list of really cute ways to announce you’re pregnant!

This post is all about baby announcement ideas

When should you do a baby reveal announcement?

The first thing you might be asking yourself is when you should make your baby announcement. This is completely up to you. But here are a few things that you might consider that may affect your decision:

  • Have you told your work yet? If not, do you have coworkers on your social media that might reveal the news before you get a chance to speak to your boss?
  • How far along are you in your pregnancy? Some people wait until after the first trimester to let people know about the pregnancy because the risk of a miscarriage dramatically decreases after the first trimester. However, this completely depends on you. (this is what my husband and I did)
  • Do you even want to do a pregnancy reveal announcement? For one reason or another, some couples decide that they do not want to let the whole world know that they are expecting, and would instead let people see the growth in a person. If this is you, no sweat! No one ever said it’s mandatory to do a pregnancy reveal.

This post is all about baby announcement ideas

1. Letter Board

This idea you may have already seen floating around the interweb, but if you haven’t, great! Here’s a sweet and simple idea for you then!

All you need is a letterboard, and any baby item you have. Then snap an overlay picture and you’re done! Let your creativity fly on this one! You can really let your personality show on this one, which I love.

This would also be a great gender reveal as well!

Letter Board

2. Mom And Dad’s Attire

The very first thing I did when I found out I was pregnant was order a matching pair of mom and dad baseball hats. It would be so cute to wear them and do a little photoshoot. Here are some ideas below!

3. Ultrasound Picture

This is a classic idea, but really cute and simple I had to throw it in! You could also combine this with the first idea in this post to go with your letterboard.

4. Get Your Children Involved

If this is your second, third, or fourth pregnancy, why not include your child/children in your pregnancy reveal to add a fun twist to the baby reveal announcement? It’ll make them feel included and hopefully get them excited about the new baby in case they’re not so thrilled about it at first. lol

5. Reveal With The Help Of Your Pets

What would be cuter than your fur babies telling the world that you’re having a baby?! One of my good friends made her baby announcement with her two dogs; I just love this idea!

6. Create A Short Video

Short videos are really popular these days: Tiktok, Instagram reels, or youtube shorts. Whatever platform you like using, if you’re good at making these videos, then this is an opportunity to use your video editing skills to create a fun baby announcement!

7. Use Humor To Announce Your Pregnancy!

Gosh, people are so funny, and creative these days. Who said baby announcements have to be serious? Use humor to announce the big news!

8. Utilize Your Hobbies

Do you and your husband love running, the first image below is such a quirky way to announce a pregnancy while also showcasing your passion for running. If running isn’t your thing, the one on the right is such a cute idea to announce a pregnancy! Pull on your current obsession or hobby to create a truly unique baby announcement that fits your personality perfectly!

9. Season-Inspired: Winter

Seasons are the perfect theme for a baby announcement!

If you’re doing your pregnancy reveal during the winter, why not take it outside and use the elements to your advantage and create a truly unique pregnancy reveal? Or get into some comfy PJs and sit by the fire for a sweet photo!

10. Season-Inspired: Spring

Spring flowers bring May… babies? Spring is such a wonderful time of the year, everything’s blooming and coming to life. Play on this beautiful quality of Spring and announce your pregnancy with pink blooms and cherry blossoms!

11. Season-Inspired: Summer


Is there anywhere more fun than doing a pregnancy reveal photoshoot on vacation?

12. Season-Inspired: Fall

Ah, Fall! My favorite season! Use lots of pumpkins and leaves to announce your pregnancy — fall inspired!

This post was all about baby announcement ideas.

I hope this post inspired you. If so, let me know in the comments below! I’d love to know what you’re planning!

Xoxo, Jess

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This post was all about baby announcement ideas.