
The Very Best 5 Self-Care Ideas To Make You Feel Amazing

 In this post, I have the very best 5 self-care ideas to bring into your week. You can pick and choose any of these to implement into your self-care routine. 

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Self-care: Doing the things that make you feel more like yourself.

This is the key to embracing, loving, and pampering yourself. It is the best way to show yourself that you matter. It is okay to put yourself first!

I do most of these things on Sunday. This is the day that my husband and I don’t have anything going on, and we just get ready for the week ahead. 

However, That being said you don’t have to try and throw all of these things into one day. It may be better for you to sprinkle some of these ideas throughout the week. It’s totally up to you!

 10 ideas for a self-care day


  • Eat healthy: Think of some of your favorite healthy foods. Make sure it’s food that you enjoy eating. This is important because it might end up feeling like a chore or something you HAVE to do if you’re trying to eat something healthy when you don’t like it. I absolutely LOVE smoothies! I have one a day! Check out my go-to smoothie recipe here.


  • Turn your phone off: This is essential for detoxifying your mind and truly getting the most out of your self-care routine! This could be a biggie for anyone who is on their phone or computer a lot for work or school. Destress and take some time to completely be with yourself. Don’t let distractions ruin your self-care day. You’re in control of your day, not your phone.  


  • Journal: Writing down your feelings, and thoughts can be so therapeutic. Take the stress of your day or week, and lay it all out on a piece of paper. Release all of your toxic thoughts. And if you don’t have anything stressful going on in your life, then write about the good things. Write what you’re thankful for. There is just something about reading what you are thankful for to put things into perspective. The journal I use linked here!


  • Read: My mom, and sister, and I have really been intentional about reading more. I think that not only can it be fun, but also good for you. Set aside 1-hour ad day to read a chapter or two. This can truly get your mind off of what’s going on in your life! Im currently read the Splintered series and Im almost don’t with it. I’m thinking about making a book review post after each time I finish a book. Leave a comment letting me know if that’s something yall would be interested in.


  • Pamper yourself: First thing I love doing is filling my bathtub, adding a bath bomb, and lighting some of my favorite candles. After I will do a face mask, then end with my everyday skincare routine. Some of my favorite masks are the Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution, and the Aztec clay mask. I just do the one I feel my face needs.

So, I hope you enjoyed reading about my top 5 self-care ideas! I’d love to hear, what are your favorite things to do for self-care, or if you have tried out one of my ideas!

Have a happy self-care day!

Xoxo, Jess

Make sure to check out my previous post!

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