breastfeeding tips
Baby & Mama

16 Amazing Breastfeeding Tips Every Mom Should Know

Want to know the best breastfeeding tips? These are life-changing tips and tricks every mom wishes she knew sooner.

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breastfeeding tips

We can all agree that breastfeeding can be easy and natural for some women, but not so much for others. I feel that it’s all about how you approach it. Having just had my first baby, I can surely tell you that it’s not all natural. It’s a learning experience for both you and your baby.

You will learn about all the breastfeeding tips out there, from excellent products, self-care, and more!

Here are some tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way on my breastfeeding journey that I hope you can incorporate into your journey.

I guarantee that after you read this you’ll be a breastfeeding pro in no time!

This post is all about the best breastfeeding tips every mom should know about.

Life-Changing Breastfeeding Tips:

1. Make A Nursing Basket

This one you can do before you even have your baby! While you are pregnant and nesting this would be a great time to put together a little breastfeeding basket.

Especially at the beginning, you will be feeding for what seems like all day, because most likely you will be for at least 2 to 3 hours. It will be nice for you to have all the things handy beside you at all times.

Here is a list of ideas of what you should include:

2. Take A Breastfeeding Course

All of this can be quite overwhelming, so taking a course can be a great way to not only learn important information but it can help pull your stress levels down.

Make sure to find a course that you trust, and has solid information.

Also, make sure to check with your hospital, because they will most likely have a free course available to you. I took the class at the hospital I delivered, and I’m SO glad that I did. It was very helpful, and I felt a lot more confident afterward.

3. Have A Nursing Pillow

Breastfeeding can kill your back and neck, so I would highly recommend having a nursing pillow if you don’t already have one.

Here is a list of great ones:

4. Have A Portable Pump

It’s not fun being stuck on the couch or bed to your breast pump. Especially when your baby is down, and you have a million things to get done around the house.

That’s why I would highly encourage you to get a portable pump. It will make life so easy for you!

I know that portable pumps can be expensive, but I found one for only $65! I’ve linked it here.

Now you’ll be able to pump, work, vacuum, cook dinner, and do whatever else you want to do all at the same time!

5. Download A Breastfeeding Tracker App

Let me tell you, keeping track of how long and which side you fed from last is basically impossible. I don’t know what I would have done without my husband keeping track in the hospital. That’s the last thing you’re thinking about, and trying to remember.

When we got home I downloaded an app to help me keep track of all of his feedings, which side I left off of, and how long for.

There are plenty of apps out there, but the one I use and feel is the most simple is the Nara baby.

6. Drink a Lot Of Water

The most important thing when you’re breastfeeding is to stay hydrated! When you’re nursing, your body is naturally being depleted of water, and being dehydrated can decrease your milk supply. That’s definitely not what we want.

So have a nice big water bottle on hand at all times!

My favorite

7. Eat At A Caloric Surplus

This is similar to the tip above. It’s important for you to stay at a caloric surplus in order to maintain your milk supply. Breastfeeding takes a lot out of us so we need to consciously be making sure we are eating enough.

Easy things you can do to ensure you’re getting enough food: eat more healthy fats, incorporate a small smoothie in between meals, and keep granola bars, nuts, and other healthy snacks on hand.

8. Breastfeeding Sheilds

These little guys saved me at the beginning. Your nipples can get really sore at the start and these help with that!

Your baby can still eat with these on to help reduce the pain.

Nipple Shield For Breastfeeding

9. Have Comfortable Nursing Bras

Comfort, comfort, comfort!

A comfortable nursing bra can seriously make all the difference in your comfort while nursing. When your breasts are achy, you want good support and ease from your bra.

Find a bra that is soft, comfortable, and perfect for all-day wear and even sleeping.  Make sure your breasts are easily accessible.

Here are some of my favorites:

10. Practice Feeding In Public

This one may seem silly, but trust me it’ll make all the difference in the world. The first time breastfeeding in public can be intimidating, and uncomfortable.

That’s why I found it super helpful to practice at home. It made going out a breeze.

If you’re like my husband and I, we didn’t want to have a baby hold us back from still going on dates and maintaining the life we had, so I had to get comfortable with it really fast lol.

A tip to make this a little easier is having a good nursing cover of course – these are the covers I use and swear by:

11. Have A Haakaa

A Haakaa is a small portable silicone breast pump. It helps to catch your letdown.

If you don’t want to pump a ton, but still want to save some extra breastmilk while you can, you have to use this!

This small manual breast pump attaches to the opposite breast that you are feeding on and provides mild suction to dispense any additional milk out.

You’re not taking any milk away from your baby, but the milk that would just drip out from your let-down is contained and saved for later use. Otherwise, it would just end up saturating a nursing pad and going to waste.

12. Use A Cup To Hold Haakaa

Nobody wants to cry over spilled milk, and trust me I have!

To work so hard and see that precious liquid gold spill over is absolutely heart-wrenching, I know because it has happened to me one too many times!

This tip is so simple yet one of my favorites. After pumping or catching your letdown set the Haakaa in a glass or mug to keep it from tipping over. Genius!

13. Use Herbal Supplements

When or if you start to notice your supply dropping can be a little nerve-wracking. But no worries!

Try an herbal supplement. The most common is Fenugreek. It has helped me tremendously over the past few months! It can start working within an hour or 2!

You can find Fenugreek over the counter at pretty much any pharmacy or drug store.

There are several other ways to increase your supply other than a pill form. There are teas, mixed drinks, and lactation snacks that can help too!

14. Use A Baby Carrier To Nurse

If you have a baby that likes to snack and or cluster feed this tip is for you!

My baby really likes to cluster feed in the afternoon, so I found that I could just wear him, and that way I can feed him while also getting some things done around the house.

The Solly Baby Wrap is my favorite so I can get the perfect latch. This took some practice and getting used to, but once we got the hang of it, it was life-changing.

15. Portable Bottle Warmer

The Munchkin Bottle Warmer makes warming up a bottle on the go so easy! Just simply attach the warmer to the bottle and you have warm milk right when you need it!

This made my life a breeze when going out to restaurants and events

16. Nursing-Friendly Clothes

Last but certainly not least, nursing-friendly clothes! Finding something to wear should be the last thing you’re thinking about. It was so hard for me at the beginning to try and find things in my closet that were easy for breastfeeding.

Then I realized that I need to buy some nursing-friendly tops, and it changed the game for me. However, breastfeeding-specific tops are not always the cutest and can be a little pricey.

Dont think too much about it. It’s easy to find button-ups, and zip downs tops out there that are affordable.

Xoxo, Jess

This post was all about the best breastfeeding tips to help you when bringing baby home.

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This post was all about the best breastfeeding tips to help you when bringing baby home.