Niagara Falls
Lifestyle,  Travel


Buffalo ,New York was part one of our summer trips this year.

I’ve only been to Buffalo once, and it was less than 24 hours so needless to say I was excited to stay a little bit longer this time.

The trip started with us getting up at 4 am and driving 10 hours. We stayed with my brother-in-law and his girlfriend (Tucker and Laura) in their cute home just outside of Buffalo in a small town called Derby. We spent a few days seeing the sites and getting the grand tour.

The first place we went was a bar on Lake Erie called Turtle Joes Sandbar. Fun place right on the water with live music.

Laura, Tucker, Tate, and me

The next day Laura took Tate and me to some of the local overlooks and hiking trails.

Orchard Park
Tate on top of the Eternal Flame

Downtown Buffalo

Later that day Tucker and Laura showed us Downtown Buffalo. We got all cleaned up and went to a cool restaurant and bar called Vice where we ate some yummy food and ended up sneaking into the rooftop bar for some fun pictures.

After Vice, we just ended up taking a stroll down by the water and then ended up at a really pretty bar that had seating outside with beautiful flowers everywhere.

Vice rooftop Bar
Tate sitting next to Shark girl
Tate, and Tucker

Niagara Falls Day

The next day, and by far my favorite day. They took us to Niagara Falls. A place where I have wanted to go for a very long time. We even were able to do the made of the mist. Which I highly recommend. It’s worth it if you want the whole experience.

Niagara Falls

So there you have it. Our cute little family trip to buffalo. Basically just a photo dump.

Only part one of our New York trip! Keep an eye out for next week’s blog post. I’ll be posting all about our trip to Chautauqua Lake!

Xoxo, Jess

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