Lifestyle,  Travel

Chautauqua, New York

Part two of our New York trip was visiting my husband’s family lake house on Chautauqua Lake, owned by his Grandparents, GiGi and Gruss.

Tates’s family has been going every summer since before he was even born. It’s a great sense of community. Everyone knows everyone. My husband is pretty much related to half of them.

This post is going to basically be just a photo dump of the whole week we were there. I hope you enjoy it!

Chautauqua Lake
Chautauqua Lake
Chautauqua Lake
Chautauqua Bookstore
70s themed party with Tate, Andrew, Bailey, and Jamie

boating on Chautauqua Lake
Sammi, Tori, Bailey, Laura, and Kelly
Chautauqua Lake
The Bell Tower

The Fourth of July

Fourth of July was packed with fun! We started the day with some boating and ended with dancing.

The beautiful family lake house
Fourth of July! Casey, Tori, Kelly, And, Tucker, Laura, Tate, Me, Sammi, and Keaton
Fourth of July
The Girls
Chautauqua Lake
Fourth of July
Chautauqua Lake
Chautauqua Lake
Chautauqua Lake
Fourth of July

The day after the fourth of July was the annual dock party. We have one every time we’re here. It’s full of food, family, and good times.

Also, have to give a BIG shoutout to my sister-in-law Sammi for all these amazing photos. She’s the most talented photographer I know and manages to make our silly family actually seem normal. Well, most of the

Chautauqua Lake
Chautauqua Lake
Chautauqua Lake
Chautauqua Lake

Ended the family trip with a cute girls’ brunch on the dock.

Hope you enjoyed all of the photos!

For fun leave a comment below on your guess as to how many sunglasses were lost in the lake on this trip!

Xoxo, Jess

This post was all about our trip to Chautauqua Lake

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