family thanksgiving traditions

9 Family Thanksgiving Traditions You’ll Want To Start This Year

This post is all about family Thanksgiving traditions to start this year.

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family thanksgiving traditions

Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite holidays! I feel like it can sometimes get lost between Halloween and Christmas. But along with holidays come family traditions.

Does your family have any special traditions?

For me, looking forward to family traditions (and actually doing them) is what gives me that warm fuzzy holiday feeling.

So far we’ve checked off a bunch on our fall bucket list.

We’ve gone apple picking, and pumpkin patching, eaten a few (I mean a lot of) apple cider donuts, carved some pumpkins, and so much more.

I know Forrest, my son is only 4 months, but he’s growing up so fast, just like everyone warned me he would. So it’s really important to me to start some family traditions that he will grow up with and remember forever.

It can so easy to get lost in the day-to-day work, cook, clean, and forget to slow down and enjoy the good things in life with my family. Especially around the Holidays.

Here’s your reminder to step back, take a deep breath, and be present during this holiday season.

So today I’ve put together a list of family Thanksgiving traditions ideas! I hope they give you some inspiration and you make the most out of this holiday season with your family.

Family Thanksgiving Traditions You’ll Want To Start This Year

1. Buy The Turkey Together

Yes, you read that right! You always get to go pick out your Christmas tree together, why not the turkey?

It might sound a little silly to you, but it’s just about getting out of the house and being together. Make it fun!

Try giving them a list of turkey credentials to go by. Let everyone go pick out one, and then everyone chooses the best one!

Or pretend you’re on a turkey hunt! When you get close tell your kids to be really quiet, point to the turkeys, and tell them to go catch one.

Just make it as memorable as possible, do whatever you can to get those giggles out of your little ones that you love to hear so much and I promise you they’ll be looking forward to doing it again next year.

2. Make The Thanksgiving Day Menu

Get the family together and put together a Thanksgiving day menu!

Ask everyone what their favorite Thanksgiving foods are and brainstorm new recipes.

If you type up the menu then you can have your children decorate a border around it and put it on display for guests to check out before dinner and see what they’ll be having.

3. Send Out Invitations

Call me old school, but there is something special about receiving an invitation in the mail. With text messages and social media, I feel as if we’ve kind of lost the fun part of sending out invitations.

If you’re hosting a big thanksgiving at your home for family and friends why not make it more fun by sending out invitations?

You can trace your children’s hands and turn them into turkeys, then put all of the info in the middle.

And why not send the menus you made with the invitations?

You’ll enjoy making these with your kids, they’ll have fun, and your family and friends will love receiving them in the mail!

4. Have A Thanksgiving Day Special Breakfast

This tradition is a MUST!

My mom always had the cinnamon rolls with the orange frosting for us first thing in the morning, and it’s something I have always remembered and looked forward to all year long.

This can be anything special you and you’re family loves. Donuts, french toast, eggs benedicts. The list can go on and on! You can either make it together as a family or have it ready for them when they wake up as a surprise!

5. Watch The Thanksgiving Day Parade

This has been one of the most consistent traditions in my family, and one of my favorites!

There’s nothing better than waking up to the smell of coffee, and cinnamon rolls in the oven waiting to be eaten while watching the parade.

It gives all the cozy holiday vibes!

6. Do A Craft

Or two, or three! We are a crafty family.

One of my fondest memories is when my mom would get all the craft stuff out on the table and she would have a cute little craft for my sister and me to do.

I can’t wait for the day that I can do that for Forrest!

Here are a few ideas to try this season:

Feather Letter Turkeys

Gratitude Chain

Pumpkin Pie Plate

7. Decorate The House

I feel like a decorated house adds so much fun and excitement to the holidays.

And it’s a fun activity the whole family can look forward to and enjoy together!

It really doesn’t have to be much, but a new tablecloth and a couple of throw pillows can really change set the holiday spirit. And you can always frame some of your children’s crafts and put them on the shelf as well!

8. Plan Some Fun Games

Games are such a fun way to get things started on Thanksgiving day with all of your friends and family.

Here is a great blog post with hilarious and fun game ideas:

Blog post

9. Make A Thanksgiving Centerpiece

I really think it would be beautiful to cut some leaf shapes from paper and attach a string.

Then have everyone write something they are thankful for on it and hang them all on something like this for a centerpiece. Put some cute little pumpkins, and fall leaves around it.

During Thanksgiving dinner, each person can take a leaf and read it out loud!

10. Cook Together

It might not always be easy but teaching kids to cook is a valuable skill.

And the time spent together is time well spent.

Younger kids can help with dumping and stirring and older kids can help with reading recipes or cutting up vegetables.

Why are traditions important?

Family traditions are all about spending time together and making happy memories!

You don’t have to do everything on this list and definitely don’t do anything your family wouldn’t enjoy.

But anything that gets you all doing something together and smiling and laughing is a great family tradition.

What are some Thanksgiving traditions that you enjoy with your family? We want to know so share in the comments below!

Xoxo, Jess

This post was all about family thanksgiving traditions

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