first time pregnancy tips
Pregnancy,  Wellness

First Time Pregnancy Tips | 12 Useful Tips To Help You Thrive

This post is all about first time pregnancy tips to help you thrive.

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first time pregnancy tips

Wow! Congratulations on your pregnancy! How exciting?!

A lot of emotions can come with pregnancy. Whether it was planned, not planned or it took a long time it can be a roller coaster one that can be full of excitement, uncomfortable stages, and just plain what is happening to my body?!

I’ve just recently gone through my first pregnancy, and I can tell you it wasn’t all butterflies. And really it’s not meant to be. But there are ways to make it better!

It’s true there are beautiful parts about being pregnant (like growing an actual human inside of you that’s half you, and half the love of your life), but it can also be new, uncomfortable, and weird at times.

That’s why I’ve created this post to help you get the most out of your pregnancy.

Here are 12 useful tips to help you through this exciting time during your first time pregnancy.

Best First Time Pregnancy Tips:

1. Stay Hydrated

This one may sound so simple, but during pregnancy sometimes it’s hard to get adequate water intake. You just may not want it, and it won’t be appetizing.

Trust me though, you will feel so much better and have a healthier pregnancy for it. It can make all the difference.

But the good news is you don’t have to just drink water to stay hydrated!

There are plenty of drinks to have in between your water that can help. Like coconut water, body armor, and sparkling ice.

2. Prenatal Vitamins

This one may sound simple too, and probably the first thing your Dr. will tell you to do, and for good reason.

The growing baby inside of you will require many things from your body, and taking prenatal vitamins will ensure that your baby gets all the nutrients he or she will need for proper development.

Start your pregnancy off right with a good prenatal vitamin, and know that it’s also a good idea to start taking prenatal vitamins before conceiving and even up until after birth, as long as she’s breastfeeding.

3. Stretch It Out

Stretching is so beneficial. Especially when you are pregnant.

Tightness in the lower back, neck, and chest can happen to many women during pregnancy. Whether it’s from sitting too much or from your growing belly, and hormones.

The good news: Stretching, especially when it’s done daily, can help alleviate pain during pregnancy and improve your range of motion, which can mean a smoother and more comfortable pregnancy.

It also can have an impact on an easier and safe labor experience.

4. Exercise, Exercise, And Exercise

If you’ve been wondering if exercise is safe while pregnant, well the answer is yes.

I feel like exercising during pregnancy gets a bad rap…even though it can possibly be the best thing for your pregnancy!

It is so important to keep moving during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, exercise can:

  • Reduce backaches, constipation, bloating and swelling.
  • Boost your mood and energy levels.
  • Help you sleep better.
  • Prevent excess weight gain.
  • Promote muscle tone, strength and endurance.
  • Helps recovery after labor and delivery

And these are just some of the benefits. But of course, make sure to check with your Dr. beforehand to make sure it’s safe for you. Every pregnancy is different, but if you have a low-risk, healthy pregnancy there should be no reason why you can’t continue, or start working out.

5. Maternity Clothes

So when I became pregnant I didn’t think too much about getting any maternity clothes. I just thought a big t-shirt and running shorts should do the trick, and that way I don’t have to spend money on clothes ill only wear for a short time.

Well, that was pretty naive and silly of me to think that. Investing in maternity clothes was probably one of the best things I could’ve done for myself.

While yes, you may have that beautiful pregnancy glow, you won’t always feel that way. Some days I would just find myself feeling blah, and frustrated that nothing fit me, and I was uncomfortable with what did. Basically not thriving in running shorts, and my husband’s t-shirts.

Dont worry, you don’t have to spend an enormous amount of money, just invest in some everyday staples.

Trust me when I tell you that when you reach into your closet and know that you have something that will fit well, and you feel comfortable and confident in it – it will make all the difference.

[Related Post: Maternity Closet Staples: What to Wear When Your Pregnant ]

6. Take Care Of Your Skin

When you’re pregnant, your skin becomes way more sensitive than normal, which is why experts advise against using harsh ingredients on your skin, such as retinoids and salicylic acid. It can also be harmful to the baby.

Instead of using harsh ingredients, opt for gentler ingredients, such as Hyaluronic Acid, and Vitamin E. Of course, throughout all of these, don’t forget to keep using your sunscreen!

[ Related Post: Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine ]

7. Vitamin D

During pregnancy, vitamin D supports your immune system and the health of your bones, muscles, and teeth. It’s also necessary for absorbing calcium and phosphorus.

For the developing baby, vitamin D supports healthy bone development. Adequate vitamin D may also help prevent preterm birth.

So, with all that being said go outside and get some rays, just make sure to wear sunscreen!

8. Little Bit Of Makeup Goes A Long Way

One of the things that instantly makes me feel better, and more like a human is putting makeup on!

Don’t get me wrong, putting makeup on can feel like such a chore, especially during the brutal first trimester, but a little will go a long way here.

You don’t have to put on a full face, just try a simple BB Cream, some bronzer, blush, and mascara!

[ Related Post: The Crazy Affordable 10 Minute Makeup Routine ]

9. De-stress

Rest. Take a bath. Binge a Netflix show.

Being pregnant is no joke. It can take a lot out of you. Do what you need to do to feel rested and relaxed.

There are a million and one changes happening in your body, and growing a baby takes up so much energy. So, when you feel like you need it, take the time you need to relax. If you are normally a busy bee, listen to your body and rest when you feel like you need to.

10. Celebrate Every Milestone

Being pregnant is a beautiful thing! Your body is changing daily, and there may be days that you feel way too tired to show up.

However, being pregnant only lasts a season, so don’t forget to celebrate every milestone! Each trimester, each month that passes brings you closer to meeting your baby, and this is a cause for celebration!

Also, don’t forget to celebrate feeling the baby kick for the first time, finding out the gender of the baby, or finally deciding on the perfect name. Your celebrations don’t need to be big and elaborate– sometimes, simply being grateful for reaching each milestone is good enough!

11. Stay Off The Google

Yes, I get it. You are going to have an insane amount of questions. And doing your research can be beneficial. However, if you jump to ask Google after every little feeling or thought you have may lead to you feeling stressed, and freaked out.

The people on Google are not all-knowing, and they don’t know you and your body.

If you have questions write them all down and ask your Dr. at your next visit.

12. Shoes Can Make Or Brake You

Not all women increase in shoe size, and experience swelling during pregnancy, but many of us do.

I know for myself, that towards the end of my pregnancy my feet were so swollen they hurt constantly. The best thing I did for myself was to invest and wear the most comfortable shoes I could find.

With all the discomfort that pregnancy brings, having things that will make you comfortable will go a long way.

This post was all about first time pregnancy tips, and how to thrive during it

Xoxo, Jess

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This post was all about first time pregnancy tips, and how to thrive during it

This post was all about first time pregnancy tips, and how to thrive during it