Baby & Mama,  Lifestyle,  Wellness

First Trimester Week By Week And Must-Haves

This post is all about first trimester week by week and must-haves

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I can’t believe I’ve officially crossed the finish line of the first trimester, and we’re into the second! As much as the days sometimes seem to go by slowly, the months truly fly by!

Today I’m excited to share a little more with you about my first trimester and the journey that we’ve been on after getting our POSITIVE! If you want to learn & read more about our journey, I wrote an entire blog post on our experience just click here. This blog post is going to pick up where that one left off & talk all about telling our friends & family, our first appointments, how I’ve been feeling, my must-haves & more!

When Is The Due Date?

Our sweet little nugget is due June 17th, 2022! I know that it’s very unlikely to go into labor on your actual due date but it’ll be around late June.

Telling our Family

We tried keeping things very simple when it came to telling family. Since my husband is in the military we don’t live close in distance to everyone. We ended up FaceTiming most of his family only two days after testing wearing our mom and dad hats. We were a little impatient, but they knew we were already trying so I’m sure each month they were eagerly waiting for that phone call.

Luckily I was already planning a trip to Florida at the end of October, (which put me around 6-7 weeks along) so I was able to tell my family in person. Surprising them and seeing their reactions was the best thing! For every one of my family members, I just had a gift bag with a pregnancy test inside that they would open.

As far as the rest of our friends, and the family goes…we waited until after our first ultrasound at 12 weeks to tell the “next round” of people. Pretty much just telling them through posting on social media, and sending them the ultrasound pictures.

First Doctors Appointment & Ultrasound

Our first appointment was technically on week 8, but it was only a phone call asking questions, gathering information, scheduling our next appointment, and blood work.

It wasn’t until week 12 when I went in for our ultrasound to make sure everything was moving along smoothly. This was an exciting appointment. We got to meet our Dr./ Midwife, hear the heartbeat and actually see our little lime size baby! Overall it went well, and we left with all the good news.

Recap Week By Week

It’s crazy when you start your pregnancy journey because there is so much unknown. You don’t know how your body/mind will handle pregnancy…and it’s definitely anxiety-inducing!

I’ve learned that you just kind of have to roll with the punches and take the cards you were dealt, especially in that first trimester. I will say that I am extremely thankful to be one of the lucky ones, I had an overall pretty pleasant first trimester…there were definitely some bumps along the way, but overall I felt really lucky. Also knowing that my sister and sister-in-law are both pregnant and we were all going through it together just made things a little easier.

One thing I recommend doing is taking notes/logging all of your symptoms week by week. It’s been really helpful for me and I’m excited to compare symptoms when I’m pregnant again one day. I use the Flo app for updates and to keep track of everything mostly.

Here’s how the week-by-week breakdown looked as far as my symptoms went:

Week 3: Had implantation cramping. Bloating. Weird vivid dreams/ insomnia. Mood swings. Really tired, hungry, and unmotivated. When I worked out I noticed I got very hot and sweaty easily.

Week 4 – 6: Bloated/ gassy, slightly tender/sore breasts, heightened sense of smell, craving the saltiest foods, energy was still pretty normal.

Week 7 – 9: These are the weeks that nausea really set in. The smell of coffee and bacon, and riding in the car really did it for me. Super low energy, loss of appetite, and ended up losing about 7 or 8 pounds.

Week 10 – 12: Pretty much the same as the weeks prior, but I started to feel a little bit back to normal. The energy was still nonexistent for me. The nausea was starting to get a bit better during week 11, and thank the Lord it was because this was Thanksgiving week and I was hosting! I also started working out again by week 12.

Cravings & Adversions

For me, all of the weird food things didn’t really happen for me until about week 7 or 8. That’s when even the slightest smell of coffee or bacon came my way, I was done for the day. These two things were really my only food aversions, other than also not wanting anything sweet. I would just say that I really wasn’t wanting any food at all. Nothing ever seemed appetizing to me.

As far as cravings go, I wouldn’t say I was wanting anything too particular. I remember eating and wanting salads, or anything salty. Apples were my go-to snack. Basically, anything that made me feel good, and helped nausea go away.


Overall, I feel very lucky to have had the first trimester that I did. I had no idea what to expect, and it’s been a wild ride but an empowering one as well.

My biggest tip: STAY FED. DON’T GET HUNGRY! And stay HYDRATED. Extra hydrated. Talking with other women, and from my experience….an empty stomach is never good & that’s when nausea and fatigue really settle in. I know it’s hard at times, but finding the foods that you can stomach will be life-saving!

I haven’t really started showing yet, so I’m excited about that step!! But here are some bump updates to keep track of the whole process.

first trimester
The day I found out!
first trimester
Beginning of Week 7
first trimester
Week 10
first trimester
Week 12

First Trimester Must – Haves

Preggie Pops // a great hard candy-like drop that helps minimize nausea! I have a handful of these in every place so I always have them with me!

Prenatal Vitamins // the prenatal I took during our whole TTC journey & the ones I’m still taking now. Love them!

Belly Oil // Trying to remember to use this as frequently as possible to keep my skin moisturized & prevent stretchmarks if I can!

Magnesium Glycinate // this is the magnesium my doctor recommended I take for better sleep & relief from headaches and restless legs. I take 400mg at night! 

True & Co Bralette // Because normal bras are IMPOSSIBLE! This has been my go-to for comfort and support, found them at Target!

Robe // I loved this before pregnancy, but I love it even more now! So great for the winter months on lazy, feeling yucky days. 

What to expect when expecting // My sweet Mother-in-law got me this book as soon as she found out I was pregnant. This book has definitely put my mind at ease about some common pregnancy myths/rules.

Collagen // This is SO important when it comes to helping prevent stretch marks in my opinion. I’ll mix this powder with OJ or put it in a smoothie & drink it!

Gallon Water Jug // My doctor told me to aim for 3 liters of water a day because our body is working overtime! Staying hydrated makes me feel so much better.

Pregnancy Journal // I got this one as a gift and I love it! So fun to fill out as you move through the weeks.

Can’t wait to see how the second trimester plays out & make sure to come back for the next update!

Xoxo, Jess

This post was all about my first trimester

This post was all about first trimester week by week and must-haves

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