Flawed and still worthy

Flawed and Still Worthy

Flawed and yet we are still worthy. How does that work?

We are all flawed, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t worthy…

What is behind our thoughts of worthiness?

I used to think that because I am flawed that meant I was unworthy. Unworthy of love, success, happiness, breakthroughs. Whatever it was, I saw myself as imperfect.

We tend to seek out perfection and get very stressed out that we aren’t. It turns into an endless downwards spiral. Yet the funny thing is, none of us are perfect nor were we made to be.

We fear we will be looked down on, seen as inferior if we show our flaws or imperfections. I would say that part of this is thanks to social media. We look at pictures all the time of what “looks” like perfection. Perfect house, car, looks, etc.

Unfortunately, these fake personas have worked their spell over many (including me) so they start to feel unworthy of their own lives.

So how do we deal with these thoughts?

So what I did was, stop those thoughts. I turned to God! I learned about God’s grace! His ABUNDANT grace! He loves us no matter what! No matter how much we are flawed. We don’t need to live our lives according to those unrealistic images.

We must embrace ourselves for who WE are. Not for who we THINK we should be.

At the end of the day, it only matters what God thinks of me. My value is found in the price that Jesus paid for me.

God called me worthy from the start.

You are worthy.

You are enough.

Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed – Psalms 34:5

Walk worthy with God – 1 Thessalonians 2:12

Xoxo, Jess

I also want to start a monthly prayer request. If there is anything you need prayers for please leave it in the comments below!

Flawed and still worthy

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  • Jamie

    Love this post Jess! Being reminded of God’s grace is so important. He loves us unconditionally.

    My prayer request for this week is for my son. He may have a heart condition and we won’t know for sure what’s going on until Jan 31st. I ask for anyone to pray that no matter the outcome on that day that he will be okay and also just prayers for my husband and I, we have been through all the emotions. We are scared but doing our best to trust in the Lord.

    Thank you for this post and the opportunity to ask for prayer Jess. And thank you to anyone who keeps my family and son in their prayers.

    • Jessica Leslie

      Thank you for taking the time to comment and leave your prayer request. I’m sorry you’re going through this tough time! I will be keeping you in my prayers. Xoxo