Lifestyle,  Travel

Florida Trip Recap

This post is all about my Florida trip recap

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Florida Trip Recap

Around this time last year, I took a road trip down to visit my family in Florida. I had the best time and took so many pictures but I never remembered to share all of them. I wanted to take the same trip this year but plans didn’t really work out so I thought I would share a recap of last year’s trip instead!

Hope you enjoy this Florida trip recap!

February 21

Austin and I packed our bags, gathered our snacks, and made our way to Orlando! He really is my favorite shotgun rider. We went and stayed at my dad’s house first and we went out to dinner, and got ourselves some fun drinks!

February 22

This was truly a great day. It started off with going to breakfast at a place called KiKiS with my sister, niece, and dad. If you have never had Kikis you’re missing out! It’s definitely one of my favorite breakfast places. I would highly recommend anyone planning a trip to Florida or if you live in Florida and just have never been you should try it out for sure!

After we finished breakfast we made our way to Jacksonville where some of my family lives. We met up for lunch with my Dad’s youngest brother, two of my cousins, and my sweet grandma. With life these days and living so far away it’s really hard to get everyone together, so when it does happen I always feel truly blessed.

February 23

This day I woke up with my buddy snuggling on top of me, but nothing new there. My mom and I made our way down to the coast for a sonic run. We have a cute little spot we like to go to that you can just drive right up to, and stick your feet in the water. The rest of the day was just spent outside on the farm in the sun.

My kind of Florida day.

February 25

This day was so much fun! My sister drove over to my mom’s with her daughter, and we just had a girl’s day. Our first stop was Ft. Christmas which is just down the road from my mom’s house. We knew that there was a free library there and wanted to check it out. I can’t remember if we found anything good or not lol.

After that, we made our way to Titusville where we spent most of the day antique shopping. One of our favorite past times. I remember us hitting the basket jackpot at one of the stores. We might have gone a little overboard, seeing as the truck was filled to the brim with them. I just call that a successful antiquing day!

February 27

St. Augustine Day! I love a good old St. Augustine day. I just love walking aimlessly down the cute tiny roads. Stopping at all the shops, and passing all of the pretty landscaping. And as you can probably tell by all the pictures, the food doesn’t disappoint.

February 28

Austin was wore out and ready to be home.

I’m not sure if you can tell, but I think Austin had a little bit too much fun. This was his position pretty much the whole way back home.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little Florida recap blog. I sure loved writing about it!

Xoxo, Jess

This post was all about my Florida trip recap

Here are some links to some of the things I brought on this trip

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This post was all about m Florida trip recap