Lifestyle,  Wellness

How To Take Advantage Of The Time Change

This post is all about how to take advantage of the time change.

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Happy Friday everyone!

The time changes this weekend and although we lose an hour of sleep, this is the best time change of the year because it means that spring is upon us, and the days are going to be much longer. Extra daylight, yay! Who doesn’t love more sunshine?!

I don’t know about you but I love it when it’s almost 8:00 PM and still light outside!

Since I am so excited about this time change I have combined a few ideas for how to take advantage of the time change that we will be blessed with.

How To Take Advantage Of The Time Change

Take in more sun

The sun will come up closer to 7:00 am and sets closer to 7:00 pm. This gives you an extra hour in the evening to soak up some sun rays, and get those legs ready for shorts! Not only will the extra sun give you a nice glow, but it also has some incredible health benefits.

Here are just 5 Health benefits of sunlight

  1. Improve your sleep – Sunshine can help your body produce melatonin at night which can benefit to better sleep.
  2. Reduces stress – Like the benefit above, being outdoors helps regulate melatonin levels which means better sleep, which means stress can be reduced.
  3. Maintains strong bones – Getting sunlight can help our bodies produce vitamin D which can help our bodies maintain calcium – about 15 minutes should do it!
  4. Helps keep weight off – Because when you are outside you are most likly doing something active (walking, running, cleaning, etc.) that extra exercise can help keep weight off.
  5. Strengthen immune system – Vitamin D not only helps with strong bones, but can help fit off colds, deseases, and infections.


Now, by the time you’re getting home from work you have an extra hour to do all your regular things, plus now you can finish your day with a walk, or run outside.

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Learn Something New

When the sun sets earlier in the day my functionality tends to start weaning much earlier than it should. Now with there being more time in the day, you can squeeze in a little extra time to learn something new like tennis, chess, calligraphy, or another language. Personally, I’m choosing to re-teach myself to play the piano.

Watch The Sunrise

how to take advantage of the time change

There is something so peaceful and humbling about watching the sun peak over the horizon. Now, on your commute to work, the gym, or your morning run, you can witness the sun coming up!

Do What You Love

If your day is crammed and you just don’t feel like there is time to include that one thing that you love, whether that be reading a book, spending time with your lover, or just watching your favorite show, this time change will truly give you the feeling that you have time. Life is too short– do what you love!

I hope some of these ideas inspired you and got you excited and ready for this weekend! I know we lose an hour of sleep but it’ll be so worth it!

Xoxo, Jess

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This post was all about how to take advantage of the time change