Lets do this

Lets Do This!

Lets do this!

Hi, hello, what’s up, and how ya doin?!

So for my very first blog post, I want to keep this pretty simple. I know that I already have an about me page, but I thought that I would dive in deeper.

First of all I cant believe I’m sitting here writing my very first blog post. Its been on my mind to start one for years, and I’ve finally made it happen! I think the main reason why it took me so long was fear. Now, I know it may seem silly to be fearful over something like that, but its true. Fear was stopping me. Fear of not being special enough, no one reading what I wrote, not having one specific thing to write about. There’s more, but we’d be here all day. Basically what I am trying to say is that I was overthinking it.

So, I started praying about it. I prayed, and I prayed. Until one day I woke up, and all those fears were lifted. My eyes were open, and I realized that I am special enough. I’m sure that what I want to say will reignite to at least one person out there, even if it is just one of my biggest supporters (hi mom). This page is going to be for me, and for whoever wants to read it! I have a lot of different passions, and what to share them with the world. My goal is to inspire at least one person out there.

So, with a smoothie in one hand, and the other on the keyboard. Lets do this!

Until next time

Xoxo, Jess

Dont be afraid, for I am with you. Dont be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you up, with my victorious right hand.

– Isaiah 41:10

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