Baby & Mama

Second-Trimester Recap & Must-Haves

Second-trimester recap & must-haves

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And just like that, the second trimester has come and gone, and now it’s time for another recap!

I was well prepared for the second trimester to feel like the longest, but I truly can’t believe how fast it flew by. Maybe the third will feel the longest…because anticipation is at an all-time high & I’m sure that’s when I’ll be the most uncomfortable, haha!

Overall, the second trimester was amazing for me to be completely honest! I feel very blessed because I know that a lot of women have lots of ups and downs throughout their pregnancy. Not to say I haven’t been struggling a little, but overall it’s been a smooth ride for me. I just hope it continues that way!

I’m just still so stunned that our little man is going to be here in less than three months!

Let’s get into my week-by-week recap, followed by & then some of my must-haves that have helped me throughout the second trimester, and hopefully they’ll be helpful for you too!

Second-Trimester Recap & Must-Haves

Week 14

Week 15

This week Tate and I went on a little stay-cation in Nashville for the weekend and we had a blast! This week was pretty similar to the last. Still really hard to find my energy, but it was better. Still, my appetite was none existent.

Week 16

This is the week I managed to get very sick out of nowhere! I remember feeling frustrated because I had just finally started feeling better and then BAM I was on the couch again. This only lasted about 2 days though. Also had zero appetite again.

Week 17

This is when I finally felt completely back to normal after whatever bug I had! Although this is when I started getting a stuffy nose (pregnancy allergies) that never went away. My tummy started feeling much more firm. 

Week 18

Not much to report! Feeling great, appetite getting better!

Week 19

This was the week that I finally felt like you could tell I was pregnant. At least with a tight shirt on. Started feeling a little abdominal/pelvic pressure, especially at night, and this is when I started using a pregnancy pillow!

Week 20

Wooh halfway! I remember feeling so big haha! Little did I know…

Week 21

He was as big as a cool aid burst! Who comes up with these things?! lol Belly definitely tighter!

Week 22

This is probably around the time I started experiencing some back pain. This only happened if I ran that day or did some kind of back squats so at this time sadly I thought it was best to stop doing more higher intensity workouts and start incorporating more palates, yoga/stretching, and the stationary bike.

second trimester recap

Week 23

As big as a Ferbee! Who else remembers these toys?! I wanted all of them haha.

second trimester recap

Week 24

This week I had a Dr. appointment. This is when I started noticing I had gained a little weight, which was good because I had lost a lot in the first trimester. The Dr also gave me a back and belly band to help with my back, and I was SO grateful!

second trimester recap

Week 25

Started feeling like a cute preggie girl!

second trimester recap

Week 26

I started feeling slightly uncomfortable and not fitting into my normal clothes. Which in all honesty was making me sad but I just knew that it was time to invest in some maternity clothes.

second trimester recap

Week 27

Last week in the second trimester! Feeling good but definitely starting to notice the body changes at this point. Insomnia started around this time too, which if you know me I LOVE my sleep and I never struggle with it. My poor husband!

second trimester recap

Second-Trimester Must-Haves

second trimester recap

Pregnancy Pillow

Heating Pad

Belly Oil

Prenatal Vitamin

Maternity Underwear

Collagen Powder

Maternity Tank Tops

Xoxo, Jess

This post was all about my second-trimester recap & must-haves

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Second-Trimester Recap & Must-Haves