• Baby & Mama

    We Are Having A Baby!

    We are having a baby! This post may contain affiliate links, which means if your purchase from my link I will get a commission, at no cost to you. This post is all about telling you that Tate and I are having a baby! Tate and I are so thrilled and blessed that the time has finally arrived for us! We’re having a BABY! We have experienced so many emotions over the last year or so, and are just over the moon! I plan to be as open with my pregnancy as I possibly can, to share our journey with you, and to look back one day and remember all…

  • Flawed and still worthy

    Flawed and Still Worthy

    Flawed and yet we are still worthy. How does that work? We are all flawed, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t worthy… What is behind our thoughts of worthiness? I used to think that because I am flawed that meant I was unworthy. Unworthy of love, success, happiness, breakthroughs. Whatever it was, I saw myself as imperfect. We tend to seek out perfection and get very stressed out that we aren’t. It turns into an endless downwards spiral. Yet the funny thing is, none of us are perfect nor were we made to be. We fear we will be looked down on, seen as inferior if we show our flaws…

  • Lifestyle

    Valentine’s Day

    Valentine’s Day. A day for all things love! I for one absolutely love LOVE! Give me all the Rom Coms, romantic books, basically anything with a relationship in it, and I’m set for life. I have always been that way though. That’s probably why I look forward to Valentine’s Day so much. So of course I had to make a blog post about it. I can remember back to sitting at my desk in the 4th-grade daydreaming away about who I was going to marry, what my wedding was going to look like, all the fun adventures I was going to have with the love of my life. Little did…

  • Basic bread baking
    Baking & Recipes

    Basic Bread Baking

    This post is all about basic bread baking This post may contain affiliate links, which means I get a commission if you purchase from one of the links, but at no cost to you. Try saying that five times fast! I’m not sure if that was hard to do, or it was just me. Either way, it was fun! So, caring on about what this blog is about. If you guessed baking bread, you got it! You are very smart 🙂 I’m going to share with you the MOST BASIC BREAD YOU COULD EVER MAKE. Seriously, this is so simple and easy you can not fail. This is a no-knead,…