
The Ultimate Self-Tanning Routine For The Best Results

This post is all about the ultimate self-tanning routine for the best results

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If I were granted one wish, I’d choose to be naturally tan. I’m not kidding, I love being tan! Well, maybe I’d wish to be rich so I could afford all the self-tanner in the world. Either one would be nice.

Especially with all the warmer weather approaching, our pale beach bodies need a little help.

We all enjoy having a little color on our skin. Tan makes every outfit look cuter, no makeup days more acceptable, and all the little imperfections disappear when you have a golden glow. In my opinion. I’m most confident when I’m tan.

You know what they say if you can’t tone it tan it, and with this baby bod coming along nicely it could definitely use the help this summer.

I stay FAR away from tanning beds now. I will admit, in high school and college I used to go a lot and I truly regret it. I also try to avoid too much time in the sun if I can help it and if I do I just apply a really good sunscreen.

I like a nice dose of Vitamin D but I’m trying to age as slowly as possible and the sun accelerates wrinkles. YIKES! Oh, and skin cancer. I’m definitely trying to avoid skin cancer at all costs, so here we are self-tanning once a week. I can tell my skin thanks me for it!

The Ultimate Self-Tanning Routine For The Best Results

For the best results, I highly recommend prepping your skin the night before. This helps with skin irritation (bumps after shaving, etc) a longer-lasting even tan, and it will feel less like a whole process.


Exfoliate – While in the shower, I exfoliate my whole body with a body scrub. The coconut oil in the polish moisturizes while it exfoliates so it’s the perfect combo to prep my skin.

Shave – I grab my Razor off of its cute magnetic shower holder and shave after exfoliation. Avoid exfoliating after shaving because this could increase razor bumps!

Moisturize – After I shower, I pat my body dry and lather it up with this moisturizer. I do a pretty thick layer so that my skin is super smooth when I get up in the morning. PS it smells amazing!!


Body – The next morning, I start on my body first with the Bondi Sands. I use a mitt and start on my shins/calves and work my way up in sections.

Make sure when you’re applying that it’s going on smoothly in circular motions. I use about 2-3 pumps per section of my body.

Next, I use any excess product left on the mitt and rub it on my feet, knees, and hands. When I’ve covered my whole body, I wipe off the palms of my hands with a damp towel.

Face – For facial tanning, I mix about 2-3 drops of the Isle of Paradise tanning drops in with my moisturizer and apply. Make sure to blend the mixture evenly over your face to ensure an even tan! I use the shade dark.


The Bondi Sands takes about 2 hrs to process but I like to leave it on for closer to 3 hours to make sure it gets its maximum darkness.

Make sure you wear loose clothing and avoid water and sweating for the full processing time. This will ensure that your tan doesn’t streak or get spotty while it processes.

After it fully processes, hop in the shower and rinse off the product gently. Do not use soap as it will remove your color. When you’re done rinsing, pat dry with a soft towel and make sure you don’t rub or scrub it off. And then you’re good to go!

Xoxo, Jess

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The Ultimate Self-Tanning Routine For The Best Results