Third trimester week by week
Baby & Mama

A Look Inside My Third Trimester: Week-By-Week

This post is all about a look inside my third trimester: week-by-week

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Holy moly! My baby boy has officially been born by the time you’re reading this post! It seems like Tate and I were just finding out I was pregnant yesterday, and now look at us, writing my third-trimester recap post!

Throughout my pregnancy, I loved reading these types of posts. 1. They made me feel not so alone, to know that someone out there is going through or has gone through the same things, and 2. It helped me prepare for what was to come.

That being said I really hope this post and all my other recaps do that for you as well! You’re certainly not alone, and the uncomfortable will soon be gone, and it’ll all be worth it to hold your little one in the end!

A Look Inside My Third Trimester: Week-By-Week

Week 28

Bring on all the acid reflux and leg cramps. My thumb even cramped this week. I learned during the week that giving in to any bad food craving I had was just not worth it.

Week 29

Insomnia at its finest! It’s the weirdest feeling to be completely exhausted and all you want is your bed at the end of the day, then you’re wide awake for no reason!

Week 30

A little bit of swelling. Very hungry this week. I felt like I needed food 24/7.

Officially in maternity clothes

Week 31

The baby has definitely grown and is on my bladder. Probably the reason I was so hungry the week before is that he must have been going through a growth spurt. Running to the restroom all the time for no reason lol.

This was also Easter weekend, and I had a friend visit me which was sooo nice since Tate is away. I felt like we did a lot and my energy level was pretty good.

Week 32

This week started with a Dr. Appointment. Nothing special of an appointment. Just that he is measuring good and the heartbeat is good! My feet are starting to swell just a little. It really depends on the shoes I have on and how long I’m on my feet for.

Week 33

My baby shower week! I had terrible allergies as well and with that came along a really weird rash on my face. Thankful it comes and goes, and doesn’t stay long. Just a few hours or so.

Week 34

Better sleep this week! Feeling a lot more pressure in my lower abdomen. Also, starting to really feel my belly being stretched.

Very hungry this week.

Nesting has officially started! I’m back from my shower, so I have a lot of baby clothes to wash and put away! Never thought laundry would be so fun to do!

Week 35

This week was probably one of my most challenging weeks yet. I felt the most uncomfortable. My belly has grown a lot, sleeping has been rough again, and I’ve been feeling nauseous AGAIN.

I’ve started noticing a few stretch marks on my lower belly but nothing too bad.

Week 36

This week started off really well! I had a Dr. appointment that made things a lot more real for me.

Started doing a few things to prepare for labor as well. I’ve begun drinking raspberry leaf tea, eating at least 2 dates a day, and really trying to sit forward instead of reclining back, stretching, and walking at least 2 miles a day.

Week 37

Sleep is just no good.

Acid reflux is back on the daily.

My belly is stretching a lot and is very uncomfortable.

Hands and feet are starting to swell almost every day.

Week 38

The dreaded stretch marks are in full swing!

Energy is hardly there but still manage to do little workouts here and there.

Week 39

Yay! Tate is back home! I feel SO much better and at ease knowing that he’s back. It’s also helpful too, having someone there to pick up things off the ground lol. If you know, you know!

We have been making sure to spend as much quality time with each other, friends, and family this week as we can. He’ll be here before we know it!

The only things that comfortably fit me right now are dresses, which I’m totally fine with because it’s SO DANG HOT!

Week 40

Holy cow! We’ve made it to full term! My back can definitely feel it that’s for sure!

My mom is here to help with last-minute things, and to be here for the arrival of baby Forrest!

Tate and I managed to have a ‘Due Date Date Night’. Which was so nice, and I’m glad we did because I ended up going into labor the very next day!


6/19/2022 | 7:53 am

Xoxo, Jess

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One Comment

  • Sherri Mancin

    Enjoyed reading this very much. Glad it’s over & now you can enjoy your big boy!!! xoxo