you are enough

You Are Enough | Faithful Friday

When the world may say, “You aren’t enough.” Jesus says, “You are set apart and chosen.”

It may say, “You are too weak.” Jesus says, “In your weakness, I am strong.”

And when it says, “You are worthless.” But Jesus says, “While you were sinners, I died for YOU.”

Remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. {Pslams 139:14}

you are enough


Inside of you is every single quality that you need to fulfill your unique purpose in the world.

I know that some days can be tougher than others. To know that you are worthy of being loved and to know that you have a solid purpose in this life. But God is always there no matter what!

Run to Him

Our worth is found in Christ, and Christ alone.

If you’re feeling down today, you may feel like you’re alone. If this post spoke to you in some way. Please reach out to me! And if you have been through something tough, and you want to share, please leave a comment down below. It may speak to someone who needs to hear it.

Not only is God always there for us. We are here for each other as well.

Xoxo, Jess

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