
You Are Fearfully And Wonderfully Made | Faithful Friday

You are fearfully and wonderfully made

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This is by far one of my favorite verses. My husband probably knows this because I quote this to him all the time.

I used to struggle to pursue my purpose or to follow my heart because of all the lies that I constantly used to tell myself “you’re not enough,” “you don’t have the confidence,” “you’re not qualified,” “you’re a follower, not a leader.” The list can go on and on. Maybe you’ve been there too…

Well, if you have, this is your reminder that these words might try and break you…but you have a boldness inside you that should never be stopped.

God didn’t make us not good enough or incapable. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We were made to do anything. Fix your eyes on the bigger plan ahead of you and smile knowing that those are just distractions trying to get in your way, and will only strengthen your faith for what’s ahead.

You don’t have to be perfect to follow your heart and pursue your purpose. Live life fearlessly! Place your faith in what is good and know that you have everything in you right now to go out there and live out what you were called to do.

But I have trusted in your faithful love; my heart will rejoice in your deliverance

Psalms 13:5

Lots of love & happy Friday, Jess

You Are Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

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One Comment

  • Chrissi Mann

    A timely message, whether male or female, young, old or somewhere in between. God’s word is truth and when we believe Him for everything, we will have peace. In this world we will have trials and tribulations, But, in Him, we have peace.
    Keep sharing the messages God is laying on your heart.